Online trademark application - simply register your trademark online!
From just €395.00 net for 10 years of protection
- We have already successfully registered over 2,000 trademarks.
- Our work is digital and process-orientated. You can access all documents online via our electronic file and track the status.
- If your desired trademark is not registrable, we will show you alternatives and develop a suitable application strategy for your trademark (not included in basic packages).
- Our trademark lawyers will advise you personally.
- We can offer all our services in German or English, i.e. we can also provide your company with professional advice and support in international trademark law.
How does our trademark portal work?
With our simple online questionnaire, you can register your trademark in just three easy steps.
1. answer a few questions
Fill out our simple questionnaire to start the registration process. Most people are ready in just 7 minutes.
2. Prepare registration and search
We prepare the official application to register your trademark for you. We also carry out a prior trademark search, the scope of which depends on the package you have booked.
3. Filing the trademark application
We submit the prepared and approved application for registration of your trademark to the relevant trademark office.
More details about our registration packages
Why should you register a trademark at all?
Most of the trademarks, logos and slogans that you know and trust have been registered. A registered trademark gives you a monopoly right to use the trademark exclusively in the designated territory (e.g. Germany). After registration, you can present yourself as an established and reputable company with the ® symbol after your name, logo or slogan.
What are the advantages of registering via DURY LEGAL?
You can certainly register a trademark on your own without our help and the associated extra costs. However, our experience shows that such DIY applications often have gaps in protection or provoke counter-reactions from owners of already registered trademarks due to careless applications. Such weak points and problems are not always recognised immediately and can still occur years later.
Our advice is therefore to have a professional on board to avoid the worst mistakes. This is more professional than having to clean up the mess later at great expense. In case of doubt, you will have saved a few hundred euros at the beginning, but will then have to pay an expensive lesson.
Attorney Marcus Dury LL.M.
Specialist lawyer for IT law
Proprietor of the law firm DURY LEGAL Rechtsanwälte